Canada's Disability Tax Credit 2023
How to Get the Disability Tax Credit
Revenue Canada decided to stop letting people know about the Disability Tax Credit about a decade ago, so our MP, Peter Julian, (NewWestminster-Burnaby), has taken on the challenge. He has been giving seminars on the Tax Credit from coast-to-coast-to-coast for years. MP Julian is determined that those with disabilities get their full entitled measure from the government.
It was a full house at Century House in New Westminster when Peter Julian gave his detailed talk with power point slides followed with a half-hour of question answering, with more time allotted to one-on-one meetings with individuals with particular issues.
As he explains, those who can get a Disability Tax Credit Certificate can expect to receive considerable money from the Federal Government over time. If begun early, it can add up to a decent nest-egg. Money can also be received retroactively.
To qualify for this certificate, you must have any of the following challenges, certified by a qualified professional.
- Be blind
- Have a severe and prolonged impairment (minimum 1 year) in physical and mental function that markedly restricts your ability to perform the basic activities of everyday living.
- As a result of significant restrictions in two or more basic activities of basic living, (including vision), with the equivalent effect of being markedly restricted, or
- You need, and dedicate time specifically for life-sustaining therapy to support a vital function.
He goes on to explain, the government's definition of basic daily living activities include: speaking, feeding, hearing, dressing, walking, mental functions needed for everyday life, elimination (bowel or bladder function.)
Life-sustaining therapy might include lung therapy or dialysis 3X per week, and takes up 14 hours or more.
You can get the T2201 Form from his office or from CRA online to start the process. Help is always available from Peter Julian's office.
See the full seminar on video now, to get all the details.
By: Susan Millar